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St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral, under the direction of the Southern California Chapter of FOCUS North America, is now an agency of the LA Regional Food Bank. As a step in expanding our charity ministry, we will be receiving and distributing food the 2nd and 4th Saturday mornings every month, starting in September of 2022.
On those two Saturdays each month, we will need approximately 25 volunteers between the hours of 9:00am and 12:30pm to prepare, distribute food to the community and clean up. To sign up to volunteer for a specific Saturday (or more than one Saturday) go to this link.
Our Charity Ministry Team is looking for additional members. If God has given you a heart to serve and to make a difference, please contact our Coordinator, Marta Chala (latifiechala@gmail.com, 323-630-7706), and come be part of our team. We will be scheduling a team meeting in the coming weeks. The Charity Ministry Team will work to organize our efforts toward our goal of mobilizing all the members of the Cathedral (and nearby parishes too) in doing God’s work.

St. Nicholas Church School’s education program provides age appropriate curriculum and faithful enthusiastic individuals to teach our students; preparing them with the principles of the Orthodox faith, and encouraging them to grow in God’s service. In Church School, we demonstrate the content of Orthodox faith in a Christian living framework by teaching and practicing the following:
- Knowing our Faith
- Loving God
- Sharing God’s Word
- Growing with God
We teach our children how faith helps us to improve at the things we do and to allows us to go forward in life without fear. We teach that our faith gives us courage to use our strengths and to help other people. We invite all children to participate in Church School which is open during the months of September through June.

The Ladies Society has been in existence for 53 years. It provides spiritual fellowship and serves the church in a variety of ways. The women of St. Nicholas are a vibrant, cohesive and dedicated group who work for the glory of God through their devotion to their parish, their families and each other.
We welcome all female members of the Cathedral to join in our organization and help us to plan and sponsor events and outreach activities. The focus of our activities has been on discovering ways in which we may reach out to our brothers and sisters in Christ for the glorification of the church and our faith. We meet monthly in members’ homes or at the church with the primary focus of the general meetings being to provide opportunities for the ladies to educate themselves and engage in enlightening discussions.
Several Cathedral events are sponsored by the Ladies Society throughout the year. Some are spiritual and some are fund raising efforts to support our Cathedral. For more information please visit our facebook page.

Formerly known as the St. Nicholas Men’s Society, the Fellowship was reorganized over 10 years ago after a lengthy hiatus. For many, many years the Men’s Society was responsible for the Father/Son Sports night held annually at the St. Nicholas Cathedral Hall. This event later became known as Sports Night and over the years not only raised money for the Cathedral, but brought sports celebrities to the Church to deliver a message to our youth regarding the love of family and staying in school.
The Fellowship over the years have served this Cathedral in many ways, such as serving Mother’s Day Lunch to the Ladies of the Cathedral, provided backpacks to homeless children through Focus N.A., raised much needed funds for the Cathedral, sponsored Lenten meals during the Pre-sanctified liturgies during Lent and have involved ourselves in many other projects for St. Nicholas including sponsoring Religious Retreats.

YAM is committed to serving the needs of young adults (ages 18-35) within our community. The Ministry seeks to cultivate and strengthen love for Christ and His Church by creating a forum for fellowship and prayer, service, and participation in everyday parish life. Our mission is to equip young adults to be active witnesses of Christ and His Church by creating a forum for fellowship, prayer, service, and active participation in parish life.
Please visit our Instagram page to stay connected. You may also fill out this form to be added to our contact list.

The Youth Movement of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian at St. Nicholas Cathedral — Living the Orthodox Faith in Christ through Worship, Witness, Service and Fellowship.
Teen SOYO is involved in many different sorts of activities. We strengthen our faith as Orthodox Christians through education. We put it into action through works of service to on behalf of our Cathedral and the local community. We strengthen our friendships and grow together as Orthodox Christian teens through gatherings and social activities and outings both locally and with our sister Orthodox Churches in the greater Los Angeles and Orange County areas.
Please visit our Instagram page to stay connected. You may also fill out this form to be added to our contact list.
Cathedral Council -The letters of St. Ignatius are very clear that the community of the faithful gather around the Bishop, who acts as the shepherd in the place of Jesus Christ. The priests, in turn, are deputized to act on behalf of their hierarch. Just as the Bishop is the head of his Diocese, so the priests are the heads of their parishes. ...The Parish Council supports the priest's pastoral ministry... Therefore, if the Parish Council is an extension of the priest's pastoral ministry, it should share in the spirituality of the priesthood. Spirituality, that sense of connectedness to God, must be present in each parish council. For it is out of the council's relationship with God that it acts, and the closer it is to God, the more good things one will be able to do. So, you may now think that qualifying for Parish Council elections has merely to do with one's membership, but I will tell you that only a committed spiritual person is qualified to be on any Church council..."
Metropolitan JOSEPH's Opening Address to the Southern California Deanery Parish Council Seminar
April 9, 2025
Garden Grove, CA
Our Cathedral Council is comprised of elected and appointed voting members who serve three year terms. Additional voting members include the presidents of our Cathedral organizations. The Catheral Council typically meets on the third Monday of each month (see the Cathedral Calendar for specifdic dates).